ハーラン・エリスン『Angry Candy』 ISBN:0395924812

☆The Avenger of Death

人々の不条理な死に対するエリスンの怒りが炸裂。"Avenger of Death" となった男が次々と復讐を果たす。が、、、

☆Chained to the Fast Lane in the Red Queen's Race


☆The Function of Dream Sleep

強烈な話。エリスンが知人の度重なる死から立ち直るため書いた話とも思える。SFというよりホラーか。でも強烈な話だからジャンルなんかどうでもよくなる。レビューに曰く、"Ellison's writing defies all labels."

The knowledge that I'm not a slave. The smarts to know that I can live the life I choose if I don't let the life I'm in live me.
But in the end, he did it. Because thinking about all the reasons why he couldn't, which were all the reasons she had ignored and did do it, made him so desolately angry that he couldn't stop himself.