IDORU 風味吉野家

昔買って詠めなかったギブスンの "IDORU" ISBN:0425158640 読み中。おもろい。角川の浅倉訳は品切れなのねん。

Blackwell took Laney and Yamazaki to a Yoshinoya, the largest beef-bowl franchise in Japan, on Shinjuku street. Amid a vast phalanx of flashing neon signs, a hologram of beef-bowl was rotating on the entrance door of the franchise. Blackwell entered the door, his enormous body barely managing to make way through the narrow space between a wall and a line of stools, which were all occupied by various kinds of salarimen.
"Damn discount" Blackwell cursed, indicating a hologram ad hovering near the low gray ceiling, which said every menu 150 yen off.
"These salarimen, they aren't regulars. Just attracted to the bloody discount."
Then Blackwell approached a group of salarimen who were taking stools near him, and slammed a Japanese bill on the counter table before them.
"Listen, I give you lot this money, and you go out. Understood?"
The salarimen were perplexed, speechless. Blackwell pressed, "Yes or No."
His scarred face, with a missing ear, was only inches away from that of confused salarimen. A moment's pause, and one of them hurriedly stood, saying "Y, yes, yes." and all of them left.
Yamazaki, taking his stool, explained to Laney, "They, Saralimen, usually say yes when they are not certain."
"Sometimes it doesn't work", Blackwell said, absently touching his missing ear.