NBC:HEROES:Hiro's Japanese S2E03

Now ge to it!!

Shigoto shiro! 【仕事しろぉおぉお】

The accent of Ando's boss is otherworldly! This "Shigoto shiro!" sounds just like Kabuki play LOLROTF.

Ando (安藤)

Every Japanese viewer had thought that Ando was his family name, but it turned out to be his first name and his faimily name is Masahashi. In this episode we first see Ando written in Kanji. It is totally unlikely for a Japanese to have 安藤 as his first name.


ten no tamamono (天の賜物)

My favorite online E-J dictionary (http://www.alc.co.jp)gave me the same translation. Literaly it means "a gift from heaven".

Yaeko and Hiro

Their conversation is in very standard Japanese, and I have nothing to write about it. Well, just one thing. Hiro sees "Angry Ronin" and says "Ueta ronin" which means "Hungry Ronin". It should be "Ikareru Ronin(怒れる浪人)", I think. One more thing. Ronin is a masterless, unemployed samurai, but Angry Ronin comes from a castle. This is weird.