
NetHack Samurai

Samurai is one of the most winnable classes in NetHack. The only drawback may be the Japanese item names, which are intentionally obscure. Is it that these are no drawback for Japanese players? The answer is No. STATIC_OVL struct Jitem Jap…

Sindarin/Quenya guidebook

A while ago, The Onion reported that Klingon speakers outnumbered Navajo ones. Sometimes a fictitious language attracts certain kind of geeks and they go nuts over it. The most prominent nut ever is, doubtlessly, Prof. J.R.R.Tolkien. Now t…



グレッグ・イーガン待望のSF長篇『万物理論』10月発売! ensemble.index より。超大統一理論を完成させようとする物理学者、その陰に謎の秘密結社がうごめく!科学!国家!バイオ!メガ企業!ジェンダー!宗教!戦争!森羅万象!有象無象!ビッグバン!超盛…