Boston trip

I'm in Boston, MA, to attend the annual MRS meeting.
My laptop's display died, and it's now a dead weight. DAMNDAMNDAMN.
Driving in Boston SUCKS! Few and small street signs which are barely readable in night! Lots of J-Walking pedestrians! Parking at a lot overnight costs $18.00!

To be completed

  • Duck tour was good
  • Mineral exhibision at Harvard was excellent!
  • MIT campas is nice
  • Went to Cape cod, but the sun set before we could go to the tip
  • Air ticket price was crazy on the Thanksgiving weekend, so I arrived on Saturday morning, two days before the conference. Noneheless, it saved me tens of bucks even if the hotel expence is included.
  • I mistakenly reserved a return flight for my wife on Dec.28 instead of Nov.28. Exchanging the flight costed $100.