The Essential Ellison: A 50 Year Retrospective (Ellison, Harlan)
- 作者: Harlan Ellison
- 出版社/メーカー: Morpheus International
- 発売日: 2005/08/30
- メディア: ペーパーバック
- クリック: 1回
- この商品を含むブログ (8件) を見る
- Beginnings
- The Sword of Parmagon
- The Gloconda
- The Wilder One
- The Saga of Machine Gun Joe
- Introduction to Glowworm (2001 edition)
- Glowworm
- Life Hutch
- 【日既読、英既聴】 S.R.O.
- Worlds of Terror
- Lonelyache
- Punky & the Yale Men
- A Prayer for No One's Enemy
- Pulling Hard Time (2001 edition)
- Worlds of Love
- 【英既聴】 In Lonely Lands
- The Time of the Eye
- 【英既聴】 Grail
- That New Old-Time Religion
- 【英既聴】 I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
- Corpse
- The Whimper of Whipped Dogs
- A Stab of Merriment
- The Voice in the Garden
- Erotophobia
- 【英既読】 Mom
- Ecowareness
- The Outpost Undiscovered by Tourists
- 【日既読】 Dept. of "What Was the Question?" Dept.
- 【日既読】 Dept. of "Trivial Pursuit" Dept.
- 【英既読、既聴】 Prince Myshkin, and Hold the Relish (2001 edition)
- Trouble with Women
- 【英既聴】 The Very Last Day of a Good Woman
- Valerie: A True Memoir
- The Other Eye of Polyphemus
- All the Birds Come Home to Roost
- To the Mattresses with Mean Demons
- The Tombs: An Excerpt from Memos from Purgatory
- "Our Little Miss"
- A Love Song for Jerry Falwell
- Telltale Tics and Tremors
- True Love: Groping for the Holy Grail
- Adrift Just Off the Islets of Langerhans: Latitude 38DEG 54' N, Longitude 77DEG 00' 13" W
- 【英既読、既聴】 The Function of Dream Sleep (2001 edition)
- Rococo Technology
- The Sky is Burning
- The Prowler in the City at the Edge of the World
- 【日既読】 Along the Scenic Route
- The Song the Zombie Sang (with Robert Silverberg)
- Knox
- 英既読 With Virgil Oddum at the East Pole (2001 edition)
- Heart's Blood
- From Alabamy, with Hate
- My Father
- My Mother
- Tired Old Man
- Gopher in the Gilly
- 【英既読】 Strange Wine
- Nights & Days in Good Old Hollyweird
- The Resurgence of Miss Ankle-Strap Wedgie
- Flintlock: An Unproduced Teleplay
- The Man on the Mushroom
- Somehow, I Don't Think We're in Kansas, Toto
- Face-Down in Gloria Swanson's Swimming Pool
- Petards & Hangings
- 【日既読】 Soldier
- The Night of Delicate Terrors
- 【日既読】 Shattered Like a Glass Goblin
- At the Mouse Circus
- Shadows from the Past
- Contracts on the Soul
- 【英既読 id:ita:20060906:p6】Daniel White for the Greater Good
- Neither Your Jenny Nor Mine
- Alive and Well and on a Friendless Voyage
- The Classics
- 【日既読、英既聴】 "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman
- 【英既読】Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes
- 【日既読】 A Boy and His Dog
- 【英既読】 The Deathbird
- 【英既読、既聴】 Paladin of the Lost Hour (2001 edition)
- 【英既読、既聴】 Soft Monkey (2001 edition)
- 【英既読】 Mefisto in Onyx (2001 edition)
- Process (2001 edition)
- Where I Shall Dwell in the Next World (2001 edition)
- 【英既読】 The Museum on Cyclops Avenue (2001 edition)
- Objects of Desire in the Mirror Are Closer Than They Appear (2001 edition)
- Man on Spikes (2001 edition)
- Introduction to "Tired Old Man" (2001 edition)
- 【英既読】 The Man Who Rowed Christopher Columbus Ashore (2001 edition)
- Dark Liberation
- The Thick Red Moment
- 【英既読】The Man Who Was Heavily Into Revenge
- Driving In the Spikes
- An Edge in My Voice, Installment 55 (2001 edition)
- The Streets, Installment 1 (2001 edition)
- Xenogensis (2001 edition)