From a thread entitled "Let's role-play Middle Earth", in Japanese LOTR BBS
Probably the originator meant "Let's role-play the inhabitants of Middle Earth", but every poster is jokingly role-playing some part of Middle Earth.

6 Name: Middle Earth
Valar, please don't rampage too much.

9 Name: Caradhras
I am an NPC, in MERP.

11 Name: Lothrolien
Everyone says I'm the most beautiful.

14 Name: Minty Mountains
It's difficult to role-play places.

15 Name: Lonely Mountain
Am I alone?
Without the Arkenstone, I feel somewhat stale.

19: Name: The Lake Town
The body of Smaug STINKS!

30 Name: The Hill
I doubt the naming sense of the halflings.
I want cool names such as Caradhras and Orodluin.