ああああああ。滅びの山を過ぎてしまった。残っている1ページ1ページがどんどん preciousになっていく。


And he stooped and kissed her brow.And so they stood on the walls of the City of Gondor, and a great wind rose and blew, and their hair, raven and golden,streamed out mingling in the air.
"mingling in the air" は風になびいて二人の髪が混ざりあってるんだと解釈してドキドキしたけど、瀬田訳では「二人の漆黒の髪と黄金色の髪がうちなびきました。」となってた。うーん、風と混ざるという意味なのか、それとも上品な訳が難しいのか。。。

'A gift I will give you. For I am the daughter ofElrond. I shall not go with him now when he departs to the Havens; for mine isthe choice of Luthien, and as she so have I chosen, both the sweet and thebitter. But in my stead you shall go, Ring-bearer, when the time comes, and ifyou then desire it. If your hurts grieve you still and the memory of yourburden is heavy, then you may pass into the West, until all your wounds andweariness are healed. But wear this now in memory of Elfstone and Evenstar withwhom your life has been woven!'

'If you want him, come and claim him!'

Where there is a whip, there is a will/鞭あれば意志あり、とくらあ

Where there is a will, there is a way/意志あれば道あり

One thief deserves another/盗っ人には盗っ人が相応よ

One good turn deserves another/善行は善行によって報われる
のもじり。Zangband の噂ファイルでOne ill turn deserves another ってのもあった。苦し紛れに「1ターンのミスはさらなるミスを呼ぶ」と訳した。


There's something of everything here, if you understand me.
「ここには何もかも少しずつあります。わかってくださるだか。」[something of everything]ってのが口下手のようで、でも言い得て妙な感じ。