The Schroedinger Dance
Click the three buttons below the "GIF animation blahblah..." to see the dances. Each button corresponds to dances for "Beginner", "Intermediate", and "Expert" from left to right.

This dance was contrived by some master-course student of physics, and has spread among Japanese physicists.

Translation: Beginner's dance

Psi and Phi, Psi and Phi, Everything in the universe is a wave.
Psi and Phi, Psi and Phi, You and me, and Schroedinger.
Psi and Phi, Psi and Phi, Sine, Cosine, Tangent.
Psi and Phi, Psi and Phi, Bra, cket, product, projection.

Translation: Intermediate (duplicated parts omitted)

Psi and Phi, Psi and Phi, Square Well, valley, periodic potetial.
Psi and Phi, Psi and Phi, Zee man, Zee man,
Psi and Phi, Psi and Phi, Abnormal Zee man.
..... Path Integral

Translation: Expert (duplicated parts omitted)

... Bose-Einstein condensate
... Fermi degeneracy
... Superfluid